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​Selected publications

International Journals

KLOFSTEN, Magnus and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2024). Exploring opportunities as a guest editor for special issues  in Technovation, Technovation,


GIORDINO, Daniele, TROISE, Ciro, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and CULASSO, Francesca (2024). Stakeholder Engagement Processes for the Made in Italy Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Value Co-Creation in the Stakeholder Network, Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility.


CHEN Yufen, PAN Xiaoyi, LIU Pian and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2024). How does digital transformation empower knowledge creation? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing enterprises, Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(2),


MAHDAD, Maral, MINH, Thai Thi, DINH, Tran Thi and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim  (2024). Open strategizing for developing smart city food system: Stakeholder inclusion in practice, Technology in Society, 102516, .

COREYNEN, Wim, MATTHYSSENS Paul, STRUYF, Bieke and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2023, forthcoming). Spiraling between learning and alignment toward digital service innovation, Journal of Service Management.


USMAN, Muhammed, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and ROIJAKKERS, Nadine (2023). How open innovation can help entrepreneurs in sensing and seizing entrepreneurial opportunities in SMEs, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research


MONTAKHABI, Mehdi, MADHUSUDAN, Akash., MUSTAFA, Mustafa., VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, ALMIRALL, Esteve, VAN DER GRAAF, Shenja (2023). Leveraging Blockchain for Energy Transition in Urban Contexts. Big Data & Society.


PIAZZA Mariangela, MAZZOLA Erica, PERRONE Giovanni and VANHAVERBEKE Wim (2023). How do start-ups influence the resources commitment of different venture capital investors by communicating disruptiveness?  Long Range Planning, 56(2), 102293.


ALBATS, Ekaterina, PODMETINA, Daria and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2023). Open innovation in SMEs: A process view towards business model innovation, Journal of Small Business Management, 61(6), 2519-2560.


LIVIERATOS, A., TSEKOURAS, George and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2022). Open Innovation moves in SMEs: How European SMEs place their bets?, Technovation, 117,

TUTUBA, Nicholaus & VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2022). Business ecosystems: a structure to commercialize value chain of rural economies in developing areas, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research,


STEFAN, Oana, HURMELINNA-LAUKKANEN, Pia, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim & OIKARINEN, Eeva-Liisa (2022). The dark side of open innovation:  Individual affective responses as hidden tolls of the paradox of openness, Journal of Business Research, 138, 360-373.


DABIC, Marina, MARZI, Giacomo, VLACIC, Bozidar, DAIM, Tugrul and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2021). 40 years of excellence: An overview of Technovation and a roadmap for future research, Technovation, 106,


MARKOVIC, S., BAGHERZADEH, M., MARKOVIC, VANHAVERBEKE, W. and BOGERS, M. (2021). Managing business-to-business open innovation: A project-level approach, Industrial Marketing Management, 94, 159-163.


ALBATS, Ekaterina, PODMETINA, Daria and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2021, forthcoming). Open innovation in SMEs: A process view towards business model innovation, Journal of Small Business Management.


STEFAN, I. , HURMELINNA-LAUKKANEN, Pia & VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2021). Trajectories towards balancing value creation and capture: Resolution paths and tension loops in open innovation projects,  International Journal of Project Management, 39(2), 139-153. (impact score: 4.694)


BAGHERZADEH, M., MARKOVIC, S, CHENG, J., DUBIEL, A. and VANHAVERBEKE, W. (2020). Do not miss the boat to outside-in open innovation: Enable your employees, Industrial Marketing Management.91, 152-161.


YAGHMAIE, Pegah, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and RIJAKKERS, Nadine (2020). Value Creation, Value Capturing, and Management Challenges in Innovation Ecosystems: A Qualitative Study of the Nano-Electronics Industry in Belgium and the Netherlands, Journal of Business Ecosystems, 1(1), 20-37. DOI:  10.4018/JBE.2020010102


GRAMA-VIGOUROUX, S., SAIDI, S., BERTHINIER-PONCET, A., VANHAVERBEKE, W. & MADANAMOOTHOO, A (2020) From closed to open: A comparative stakeholder approach for developing open innovation activities in SMEs, Journal of Business Research. Doi: , (if: 4.874)


YAGHMAIE, Pegah and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2020). Identifying and describing constituents of innovation ecosystems, EuroMed Journal of Business, 20/07/2019 10.1108/EMJB-03-2019-0042, (if:2.37).


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and SU, Yu-Shan (2019). How do different types of interorganizational ties matter in technological exploration? Management Decision, 57(8), 2148-2176.


ROBACZEWSKA, Joanna, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and LORENZ, Annika (2019). Applying open innovation strategies in the context of a regional innovation ecosystem: The case of Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Global Transitions, 1, 120-131.


BAGHERZADEH, M., MARKOVIC , S. and VANHAVERBEKE, W. (2019). How Does Outside-In Open Innovation Influence Innovation Performance?: Analyzing the Mediating Roles of Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Strategy, IEEE Transactions and Engineering Management. Doi:


VACULIK, Marek, LORENZ Annika, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2019). Pulling the plug? – Investigating firm-level determinants of innovation project termination, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(2), 180-192.


BAHEMIA, Hanna, SILLINCE, John and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2018). The timing of openness in a radical innovation project, a temporal and loose coupling perspective, Research Policy, 47(10), 2066-2076.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, BELDERBOS, René, DUYSTERS, Geert  and BEERKENS, Bonnie  (forthcoming); Technological performance and alliances over the industry life cycle: Evidence from the ASIC industry, Journal of Product Innovation Management. (Impact score: 1.379)


LAMBRECHTS, Frank, VOORDECKERS, Wim, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2017). Exploring open innovation in entrepreneurial private family firms in low- and medium-technology industries, Organizational Dynamics, 46(4), 244-261.


MSAMULA, Jasinta, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and PETRO, Hawa (2017). Rural entrepreneurship in Tanzania: why are micro and small enterprises not creating value in furniture manufacturing industry?, Transnational Corporations Review, 8(4), 250-264.


GERMERAAD , Paul and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2016). How To Find, Assess And Value Open Innovation Opportunities by Leveraging IP Databases? Les Nouvelles, LI (3), 154-166.


LOPEZ-VEGA, Henry, TELL, Fredrik and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2016). Where and how to search? Search paths in open innovation, Research Policy, 45(1), 125-136.


CHEN, Yufen, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and DU, Jingshu (2016). The interaction between internal R&D and different types of external knowledge sourcing: an empirical study of Chinese innovative firms, R&D Management, 46(S3), 1006-1023, doi: 10.1111/radm.12162.


STOLWIJK, Claire, DEN HARTIGH, Erik, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, ORTT, J.R., and VAN BEERS, Cees (2015), Cooperating with technologically (dis)similar alliance partners: the influence of the technology life cycle and the impact on innovative and market performance, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27 (8), 925–945. (Impact score: 1.040).


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, BELDERBOS, René, DUYSTERS, Geert and BEERKENS, Bonnie  (2015). Technological performance and alliances over the industry life cycle: Evidence from the ASIC industry, Journal of Product Innovation Management. 32(4), 556-573 (Impact score: 1.379) 


BRUNSWICKER, Sabine and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2015). Open innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): External knowledge sourcing strategies and internal organizational facilitators, Journal of Small Business Management. 53(4), 1241-1263 (Impact score: 1.333)


WEST, Joel, SALTER Ammon, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and CHESBROUGH, Henry (2014); Open Innovation: The Next Decade, Research Policy, Special issue on Open Innovation, 43(5), 805-811. (Impact score: 2.850).


DU, Jingshu, LETEN, Bart and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2014), Managing Open Innovation Projects with Science-Based and Market-Based Partners, Research Policy, Special issue on Open Innovation, 43(5), 828-840. (Impact score: 2.850)


WANG, Fangrui, CHEN, Jin, WANG, Yuandi, LUTAO, Ning and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2014). The effect of R&D novelty and openness decision on firms' catch-up performance: Empirical evidence from China, Technovation, 34(1), 21-30. (impact score; 3.177)


WANG, Yuandi, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2014); How fast do Chinese firms learn and catch up? Evidence from patent citations, Scientometrics, January 2014, 98(1), 743-761, DOI 10.1007/s11192-013-1016-6, (Impact score: 2.133)


JIN, Jun, WANG, Yuandi and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2014); Patterns of R&D Internationalization in Developing Countries: China Mainland as a Case, Special Issue on: "Global Products from Innovation Labs in Developing Countries, International Journal of Technology Management, 64(2-4), 276-302.


GARAVELLI, Claudio, MESSENI PETRUZZELLI, Antonio NATALICCHIO Angelo and VANHAVERBEKE Wim (2013). Benefiting from markets for ideas — An investigation across different typologies, International Journal of Innovation Management, 17(6) 1340017 1-37.


GILSING, Victor, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, and PIETERS, Michiel (2014); Mind the gap: Balancing alliance network and technology portfolios during periods of technological uncertainty, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 81, 351-362. (Impact score: 2.034)


VAN DE VRANDE, Vareska and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2013); How prior corporate venture capital investments shape technological alliances: A real options approach, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,  37(5), 1019–1043.


WANG, Yuandi, ROIJAKKERS Nadine and VANHAVERBEKE Wim (2013). Learning-by-licensing: How firms in China benefit from licensing-in technologies, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(1), 46-58. (impact factor 1.344)


STOLWIJK, Claire, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, ORTT, J.R., PIETERS, Michiel. W., DEN HARTIGH, Erik and VAN BEERS, Cees (2012), The effect of internal and external technology sourcing on firm performance throughout the technology life cycle, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 24 (10), 1013–1028 (Impact score: 1.040).


WANG, Yuandi, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine, VANHAVERBEKE Wim, and CHEN, Jin (2012). How Chinese firms employ open innovation to strengthen their innovative performance. International Journal of Technology Management, 59(3/4): 235-254.


WANG, Yuandi, VANHAVERBEKE Wim, and ROIJAKKERS Nadine (2012), Exploring the Impact of Open Innovation on National Systems of Innovation – a Theoretical Analysis, Technology Forecasting and Social Change, 79 (3), 419–428. (Impact score: 2.034)

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, GILSING, Victor and DUYSTERS, Geert (2012); Competence and governance in strategic collaboration: The differential effect of network structure on the creation of core and non-core technology, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(5), 784–802. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2012.00941.x (Impact score; 2.650)

VAN ZIMMEREN, Esther, VANNESTE, Sven, MATTHIJS, Gert, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and VAN OVERWALLE, Geertrui (2011,) Patent pools and clearinghouses in the life sciences, Trends in Biotechnology, 29(11), 569-576. (Impact factor: 9.644)

WANG, Yuandi, ROIJAKKERS Nadine and VANHAVERBEKE Wim (2011); Linking Open Innovation to National Systems of Innovation: a Co-evolutionary Perspective, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 3(5): 446-464.

CHEN, Jin, CHEN, Yufen and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2011); The influence of scope, depth, and orientation of external technology sources on the innovative performance of Chinese firms, Technovation, 31(8), 362-373 (Impact score; 2.993)

VAN DE VRANDE, Vareska, VANHAVERBEKE Wim and DUYSTERS, Geert (2011); Additivity and Complementarity in External Technology Sourcing: The Added Value of Corporate Venture Capital Investments? IEEE-TEM, 58(3), 483-496, (Impact score: 1.344)

WIJEN, Frank, NOORDERHAVEN, Niels and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2011); Structural Antecedents of Corporate Network Evolution, International Journal of Business Environment. 4(3), 207-233.

VAN DE VRANDE, Vareska, VANHAVERBEKE Wim and DUYSTERS, Geert (2011); Technology in-sourcing and the Creation of Pioneering Technologies, Journal of Product Innovation Management. 28(6), 974-987 (Impact score; 2.650).

DE JONG, Jeroen, KALVET, Tarmo, and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2010); Exploring a theoretical framework to structure policy implications of OI, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 22 (8), 877-896.

ZHAO, Yan, ZHOU, Wen, HÜSIG, Stefan and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2010),  Environment, Network Interactions and Innovation Performance of Industrial Clusters: Evidences from Germany, Netherlands and China, Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China, 1(3), 210-233.

VAN DE VRANDE, Vareska, VANHAVERBEKE Wim and GASSMANN, Oliver (2010),  Broadening the scope of Open Innovation: Introduction to the special issue, International Journal of Technology Management, 52 (3/4), 221-235 (Impact score: 0.526).

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and  DU, Jingshu (2010); Reframing the role of lead users in radical innovations: an open innovation perspective, International Journal of  Business Environment, 3(2), 202-220.

LI, Ying and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2009); The effects of inter-industry and country differences in supplier relationships on pioneering innovations, Technovation, 29, 843-858 (impact score: 2.993).

POOT, Tom, FAEMS Dries and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2009); Toward a dynamic perspective on open innovation: A longitudinal assessment of the adoption of internal and external innovation strategies in the Netherlands, International Journal of Innovation Management, 13 (2), 177-200.

CRIJNS, Jeroen, PALACHE, Bram and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2009);  Innovation for growth in mature industries: Solvay's influenza business,  Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China, 1(2), 117 – 142.

LI, Ying and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2009); The Relationships between Foreign Competition, Absorptive Capacity and Pioneering Innovation: An Empirical Investigation in Canada, International Journal of Technology management,. 13(1), 105-138 (impact score: 0.526).

VAN DE VRANDE, Vareska, DE JONG, Jeroen, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and DE ROCHEMONT, Maurice (2009); Open innovation in SMEs: Trends, motives and management challenges, Technovation, 29(6-7),423-437 (impact score: 2.993; 5th most downloaded article in Technovation).

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, GILSING, Victor, DUYSTERS, Geert and BEERKENS, Bonnie (2009); The role of alliance network redundancy in the creation of core and non-core technologies: A local action approach, Journal of Management Studies 46 (2), 215-244.  (impact score: 2.558)

VAN DE VRANDE, Vareska, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and DUYSTERS Geert (2009); External technology sourcing: The effect of uncertainty on governance mode choice,  Journal of Business Venturing, 24(1), 62-80. (impact score:1.875).

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, VAN DE VRANDE, Vareska and CHESBROUGH, Henry W. (2008); Understanding the advantages of open innovation practices in corporate venturing in terms of real options, Creativity and Innovation Management, 17 , 17(4), 251-258.

LI, Ying, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and SCHOENMAKERS, Wilfred  (2008); Exploration and Exploitation in Innovation: Reframing the Interpretation, Creativity and innovation management, 17 (2), 107-126.

GILSING, Victor, NOOTEBOOM, Bart, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, DUYSTERS, Geert and VAN DEN OORD, Ad (2008); Cognitive distance, betweenness centrality and density, Research Policy, 37, 1711-1731. (impact score: 2.211).

HEIMERIKS, Koen, Wim VANHAVERBEKE and Geert DUYSTERS (2007), An exploratory study of learning mechanisms and differential performance in alliance portfolios, Strategic Organization, 5(4): 373–408.

BERENDS, Hans, Wim VANHAVERBEKE, and Robert KIRSCHBAUM (2007); Knowledge management challenges in new business development: Case study observations, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,  24 (4), 314-327.

NOOTEBOOM, Bart, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, GILSING, Victor, DUYSTERS Geert, and VAN DEN OORD, Ad (2007); Optimal cognitive distance and absorptive capacity, Research Policy, 36, 1016–1034.

VERCAUTEREN, Anne and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2007); Where's the customer in technology-based radical innovation?, International Journal of Technology Marketing, 2(2), pp. 101-118.

VAN DE VRANDE, Vareska, LEMMENS, Charmianne and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2006); Choosing governance modes for external technology sourcing, R&D Management, 36 (3), 346-363.

CABUS, Peter and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2006); The territoriality of the network economy: Evidence from Flanders, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 18(1), pp. 25-53.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and PEETERS, Nico (2005); Embracing innovation as strategy: The role of new business development in corporate renewal, Journal Creativity and Innovation Management, 14 (3), 246-257.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and KIRSCHBAUM, Robert (2005); Building new competencies for new business creation based on breakthrough technological innovations, Research in Competence Based Management, Vol. 3: Understanding Growth: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Diversification, 139-157.

CABUS, Peter and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2003); The economics of rural areas in the proximity of urban networks: Evidence from Flanders, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie,  94(2), 230-245.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, DUYSTERS, Geert and NOORDERHAVEN, Niels (2002); External technology sourcing through alliances and acquisitions; An analysis of the ASIC industry, Organization Science, 13 (6), 714-733.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and NOORDERHAVEN, Niels (2001); Competing with strategic alliances networks: The case of the RISC technology, Organization Studies, 26 (1), 1-31.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2001); Realizing new regional core competencies: Establishing a customer-oriented SME network, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 13 (2), 97-116.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and TORREMANS, Huub (1999); Organization structure in process oriented firms, The Journal of Knowledge and Process Management,  6 (1), 41-52.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (1998); An economic analysis of the Flemish Diamond, European Planning Studies, 6 (4), 425-442.

DUYSTERS, Geert and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (1996); Strategic interactions in the DRAM and RISC technology: A network approach, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 12(4), 437-461.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and VAN CAYSEELE, Patrick (1993); On the differential effects of European patents, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2, 185-201.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (1992); How students evaluate business sponsorship of the arts in Flanders, The Journal of Cultural Economics, 16 (1), 53-66.

Books and book chapters

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, ROIJAKKERS Nadine and COBBEN Dieudonnee (2023). Reinventing innovation in large pharmaceutical companies: The case of Bayer AG, Managerial Practice Issues in Strategy and Organization, Information Age Publishing, 39-64.

TEMEL, Serdal and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2020). Knowledge risk management during implementation of open innovation, In: Durst, S; and Henschel T. Knowledge risk management: From theory to praxis, Management for Professionals book series, Springer Verlag, 207-227.


DEN HARTIGH, Erik, STOLWIJK, C., ORTT, Roland and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2019). ASIC Commercialization Analysis: Technology Portfolios and the Innovative Performance of ASIC Firms during Technology Evolution. In:  Fisher, E. (ed.). Application Specific Integrated Circuits - Technologies, Digital Systems and Design Methodologies, ISBN 978-1-78985-848-8. IntechOpen.


CHEN, Yufen and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2019).  Chapter 9: Concept and connotation of open innovation: A conceptual comparison of open innovation and several similar innovation models, In:  Chen, J., Brem, A., Viardot, E. and Wong, P.K. and (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Innovation Management, 180-203. 


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, FRATTINI, Federico, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine and USMAN, Muhammad (2018). Researching open innovation in SMEs. World Scientific Press: Singapore. 


STEEN, Marc and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2018). The Open Innovation Project Canvas for SMEs. In: VANHAVEBEKE, Wim, FRATTINI, Federico, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine and USMAN, Muhammad (2018). Researching open innovation in SMEs, World Scientific Press: Singapore, pp. 429-454.


CHESBROUGH, Henry and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2018). Open Innovation and Public Policy in the EU with Implications for SMEs. In: VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, FRATTINI, Federico, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine and USMAN, Muhammad (2018). Researching open innovation in SMEs, World Scientific Press: Singapore, pp. 455-492.


USMAN, Muhammad, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine, FRATTINI, Federico, and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, (2018). A Systematic Review of the Literature on Open Innovation in SMEs. In: VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, FRATTINI, Federico, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine and USMAN, Muhammad (2018). Researching open innovation in SMEs, World Scientific Press: Singapore, pp. 3-36.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2017). Broadening the concept of open innovation. In Bathelt, H., Cohendet, P., Henn, S. and Simon L. (eds.), The Elgar companion to innovation and knowledge creation, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited: Cheltenham: UK, pp. 87-98. 


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2017). Managing open innovation in SMEs, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: UK. 


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, ROIJAKKERS Nadine, LORENZ Annika and CHESBROUGH, Henry (2016). The importance of connecting Open Innovation to Strategy. In: Strategy and Communication for Innovation. Nicole Pfeffermann, Tim Minshall and Letizia Mortara (eds.), Springer Verlag, 3-15.


RYBKA, Joanna, ROIJAKKERS, Nadine, LUNDAN, Sarianna and VANHAVERBEKE Wim (2015). Strategic Alliances for the Development of Innovative SMEs within the Biopharmaceutical Industry: An Exploratory Analysis, T.K. Das (ed.), Strategic Alliances for SME Development, IAP Press, 245-260.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and ROIJAKKERS, Nadine (2014), “Open innovation”. In: Cooper, Cary L. (Ed.). Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Technology and Innovation, 13:1-6.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and CHESBROUGH, Henry (2014), A Classification of Open Innovation and Open Business Models. In: Chesbrough, Henry, Vanhaverbeke, Wim and West, Joel (eds), New Frontiers in Open Innovation, Oxford University Press, 50-68.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, DU, Jingshu, LETEN, Bart and AALDERS, Ferrie (2014); Exploring Open Innovation at the Level of R&D Projects. In: Chesbrough, Henry, Vanhaverbeke, Wim and West, Joel (eds), New Frontiers in Open Innovation, Oxford University Press, 115-131.



VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, WEST, Joel, CHESBROUGH, Henry (2014), Surfing the New Wave of Open Innovation Research, In: Chesbrough, Henry, Vanhaverbeke, Wim and West, Joel (eds), New Frontiers in Open Innovation, Oxford University Press, 281-294.


CHESBROUGH, Henry, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and WEST, Joel (eds.) (2014), New Frontiers in Open Innovation, Oxford University Press.


ROIJAKKERS, Nadine, BELL, John, FOK, Jaco and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim. (2014); Open innovation through R&D partnerships: Implementation challenges and routes to success. In Culpan, R. (ed.), Open Innovation through strategic alliances.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, DU, Jingshu and VON ZEDTWITZ, Maximilian (2013) Managing Open Innovation in Multinational Enterprises: Combining Open Innovation and R&D Globalization Literature. In: Joe Tidd, Open Innovation Research, Management and Practice, Series on Technology Management: Volume 23, Imperial College Press, 213-233.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and ROIJAKKERS, Nadine (2013); Enriching open innovation theory and practice by strengthening the relationship with strategic thinking, Nicole Pfeffermann, Tim Minshall, Letizia Mortara (eds), Strategy and Communication for Innovation, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 15-25.


POOT, Tom, FAEMS, Dries and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2013) Toward a Dynamic Perspective on Open Innovation: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Adoption of Internal and External Innovation Strategies in the Netherlands. In: Joe Tidd, Open Innovation Research, Management and Practice, Series on Technology Management: Volume 23, Imperial College Press, 297-322.


VANHAVERBEKE Wim (2011); The benefits of open innovation in low tech SMEs: The Quilts of Denmark story. In: The Balancing Act of Innovation. Silberzahn P., Van Dyck W. (Eds). Lannoo Campus, 195-214, (ISBN 978-90-209-9345-5).

VANHAVERBEKE Wim (2009); Business models in open innovation and commercialization – a dynamic approach, In: A. Picot and S. Doeblin, Innovationsführerschaft durch Open Innovation: Chancen für die Telekommunications-, IT- und Medienindustrie, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 147-154.

VANHAVERBEKE Wim, LAROSSE, Jan en WINNEN, Wouter (2008); The Flemish frozen-vegetable industry as an example of cluster analysis: Flanders Vegetable Valley. In: Hulsink, W. and Dons, J.J.M. (eds.), Pathways to high-tech Valleys and research triangles: Innovative entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and cluster formation in Europe and the United States, Spinger Verlag: Berlin, pp. 247-272.

VANHAVERBEKE Wim en WINNEN Wouter (2007); Over bedrijfsstrategie rond innovatie, In: Jaarboek van de Vlaamse Management Associatie, VMA, Erasmus NV: Wetteren, 19-21.

VANHAVERBEKE Wim (2007); Wanneer interen O&O-activiteiten niet langer volstaan. Open innovatie op basis van schaalvoordelen en –nadelen in O&O. In: Jaarboek van de Vlaamse Management Associatie, VMA, Erasmus NV: Wetteren, 22-29. 

VAN DE VRANDE, V.J.A. en VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2006). Innoveren door externe Innovatie. VMA Jaarboek 2006.

CHESBROUGH, Henry, Wim VANHAVERBEKE and Joel WEST, eds.(2006), Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, Oxford University Press.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2006); The interorganizational context of open innovation, In: Henry CHESBROUGH, Wim VANHAVERBEKE and Joel WEST, eds., Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, Oxford University Press.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and Myriam CLOODT (2006); Chapter 13: Open Innovation in Value Constellations. In: Henry CHESBROUGH, Wim VANHAVERBEKE and Joel WEST, eds. Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, Oxford University Press.


CHESBROUGH, Henry, Wim VANHAVERBEKE and Joel WEST (2006); Chapter 14: Open Innovation: A research agenda. In: Henry CHESBROUGH, Wim VANHAVERBEKE and Joel WEST, eds. Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, Oxford University Press.

NAGEL, Arie, VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and TORKKELI, Marko (2006); Towards a more innovative company – Creating options for the future. In: Prašnikar, Janez (ed.), Medium-Sized Firms and Economic Growth ISBN #1-59454-253-8, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

VERDIN, Paul, VANHAVERBEKE Wim en WINNEN Wouter (2005); Management als het verknopen van onverzoenbare bedrijfsdoelstellingen, In: Jaarboek van de Vlaamse Management Associatie, VMA, Erasmus NV: Wetteren. 

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, BEERKENS, Bonnie, DUYSTERS, Geert (2004); “Explorative and exploitative learning strategies in technology based alliance networks”, In: Academy of management Best Paper Proceedings (ISSN: 1543-8643) (Nominated for the Academy wide 'Carolyn Dexter Award' (best international paper), Academy of Management 2004 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 2004), pp. TIM J1-J6.

NAGEL, Arie and Wim VANHAVERBEKE, (2004); Za bolj inovativno podjetje - ustvaranje opcij za prihodnost, in Razvojnoraziskovalna dejavnost ter inovacije, konkurencnost in druzbena odgovornost podjetij, ed. Janez Prasnikar, Finance, Ljubljana, pp. 229-237. ISBN 961-6541-01-3.

CABUS, Peter en Wim VANHAVERBEKE (2004); Ruimte en economie in Vlaanderen
Analyse en Beleidssuggesties, Strategisch Plan Ruimtelijke Economie, Academia Press: Gent/Brussel, 404 p

LIBEER, Jo en VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2004); Het decennium van de onderneming: over concurrentiekracht en overheidsoptreden, In: Jaarboek van de Vlaamse Management Associatie, VMA, Erasmus NV: Wetteren, pp. 28-34.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim en Peter CABUS (2004): Is er nood aan meer bedrijven-terreinen? Relaties met en implicaties voor de zonevreemde bedrijvenproblematiek, In: P. Flamey en J. Ghysels, Zonevreemde bedrijven, Kluwer, Mechelen, pp. 22-51.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim en Peter CABUS (2004): Te veel of te weinig bedrijventerreinen in Limburg? Hoe een planologisch overaanbod zich vertaalt in reële tekorten op het terrein, Staten-generaal  van de Limburgse economie en werkgelegenheid, Lannoo Campus: Tielt, pp. 325-338.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, Nadine LYBAERT en Sigrid VANDEMAELE (2004): Demografie en arbeidsmarktevolutie in Limburg: van werkloosheidsprobleem tot economische troef, Staten-generaal van de Limburgse economie en werkgelegenheid, Lannoo Campus: Tielt, pp. 339-357.

CABUS, Peter en Wim VANHAVERBEKE (2003); Ruimtelijk-economische dynamiek in Vlaanderen , Strategisch Plan Ruimtelijke Economie, Academia Press: Gent/Brussel, 303 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim ( 2003); “Strategisch innoveren als basis voor groei- en vernieuwingsstrategieën”, Jaarboek van de Vlaamse Management Associatie, VMA, Erasmus NV: Wetteren, pp. 24-31.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim en CABUS, Peter (2003); “ Is er nood aan meer bedrijventerreinen: Relaties met en implicaties voor de zonevreemde bedrijventhematiek…”, Het decreet zonevreemde bedrijven, KLOP-Kluwer: Mechelen.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, DUYSTERS, Geert and BEERKENS, Bonnie (2002); “Technology capability building through networking strategies within high-tech industries”, In: Academy of management Best Paper Proceedings (Awarded as the Best Paper in the Technology and Innovation Management Division: Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, August 2002).

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2002); Nieuwe technologieën en het groeiend belang van concurrentiestrategieën op basis van ‘waardeconstellaties’, in: Peeters, Ludo, Matthyssens, Paul, en Vereeck, Lode (eds.), Stakeholder synergie, pp.369-400.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim en CABUS, Peter (2002); Evaluatie ruimtebalans economie: Een analyse van de stand van zaken op 1 januari 2001 & beleidsimplicaties, Strategisch Plan Ruimtelijke Economie, Academia Press: Gent/Brussel, 115 p.

CABUS, Peter en Wim VANHAVERBEKE (2001); Analyse en kwantificering van de zonevreemde economie en een insteek voor oplossingen, Strategisch Plan Ruimtelijke Economie, Academia Press: Gent/Brussel, 191 p.

CABUS, Peter, Georges ALLAERT en Wim VANHAVERBEKE (2001); De ruimtelijk-economische hoofdstructuur van Vlaanderen: Concept in hoofdlijnen, Strategisch Plan Ruimtelijke Economie, Academia Press: Gent/Brussel, 173 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, Erwin LAMMENS and Peter CABUS (2001); De omschakeling van bestemde naar bouwrijpe bedrijventerreinen in de Vlaamse economische knooppunten, Strategisch Plan Ruimtelijke Economie, Academia Press: Gent/Brussel, 108 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim en Geert DUYSTERS (2000); A longitudinal analysis of the choice between technology-based strategic alliances and acquisitions in high-tech industries: the case of the ASIC industry. In: Jeroen Weesie en Werner Raub (eds.), The Management of durable relations: Theoretical models and empirical studies of households and organizations, Thela Thesis: Amsterdam, pp. 87-90.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (1999); De symbiose tussen plattelandsgebieden en stedelijke centra in Vlaanderen, In: Niek DE ROO, Filip DE RYNCK and Sofie VANDELANNOOTE (eds.), De stille metamorfose van het Vlaamse platteland, die Keure: Brugge, pp. 103-134.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim en Bart VAN HERCK (1999); Strategische planning en streekontwikkeling in de grensregio’s Zuid West-Vlaanderen en het Meetjesland, In: Frans Boekema and Georges Allaert (eds.), Grensoverschrijdende activiteiten in beweging: Grensregio’s, onderzoek en beleid, Van Gorcum:Assen, pp. 109-125.

HOUVENAGHEL, Sophie and Wim VANHAVERBEKE (1997); “Economische aspecten en relaties van omliggende gebieden met het stedelijk netwerk van de Vlaamse Ruit”, In: Planologische Discussiedagen 1997 - thema ‘Over Grenzen’, deel 2, pp. 355-364.

DE GRAUWE, Paul and Wim VANHAVERBEKE (1993); Is Europe an optimum currency area?: Evidence from regional data, Policy issues in the operation of currency unions, Paul R. MASSON and Mark P. TAYLOR (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 111-129.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim e.a. (1993); Investeren in de toekomst : Elektronica, centraal in een vernieuwd industrie- en elektronicabeleid, Fabrimetal-Fabit en Imec, Brussel-Leuven, 173 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (1991); "Corporate giving in Belgium". In CEI-Consultants Ltd. (ed.), Company giving in Europe.

DE GRAUWE, Paul and Wim VANHAVERBEKE (1990); Exchange rate experiences of small EMS-countries : Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands, Victor ARGY and Paul DE GRAUWE (eds.) "Choosing an exchange rate regime: The challenge for smaller industrial countries", I.M.F. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Macquairie University, pp. 135-155.

Published case studies

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim & POP Oana-Maria (2022). Teaching note: Presans: Building business models for innovation intermediaries, Ivey, Reference no. W27511. 


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim & POP Oana-Maria (2022). Presans: Building business models for innovation intermediaries, Ivey, Reference no. W27510. 


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, TUTUBA, Nico, MSAMULA, Jasinta, PASCOE, Pulkeria, KILUMILE, Jerum and TUNDUI, Hawa (2021). Ruaha Farm (T) Ltd: Engaging local beekeeping communities in Tanzania, Ivey, Reference no. 9B20M220.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, TUTUBA, Nico, MSAMULA, Jasinta, PASCOE, Pulkeria, KILUMILE, Jerum and TUNDUI, Hawa (2020). Ruaha Farm (T) Ltd: Engaging local beekeeping communities in Tanzania, Teaching note, Ivey, Reference no.   8B20M220.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2020). The development of cauliflower rice at Greenyard Frozen:  Open innovation for sustainability, Ivey, Reference no. Reference no, 9B20M061.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2020). The development of cauliflower rice at Greenyard Frozen:  Open innovation for sustainability, Teaching note, Ivey,

Reference no., 9B20M061.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2018). Jaga: Managing creativity and open (A). Ivey, Reference no. 9B18M119.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2018). Jaga: Managing creativity and open (B). Ivey, Reference no. 9B18M120.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2018). Jaga: Managing creativity and open innovation. Teaching note, Ivey, Reference no. 9B18M119.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2017). Curana BVBA: Managing open innovation in SMEs (A), Ivey, Reference no. 9B17M139.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2017). Curana BVBA: Managing open innovation in SMEs (B), Ivey, Reference no. 9B17M140.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2016). Curana BVBA: Managing open innovation in SMEs. Teaching note,  Reference no. 8B17M139.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2016). Quilts of Denmark: Managing open innovation in a low-tech industry SME, Ivey, Reference no. 9B16M213.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2016). Quilts of Denmark: Managing open innovation in a low-tech industry SME. Teaching Note, Ivey, Reference no. 8B16M21.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim & VERHOEVE, Piet (2016). Patient Room of the Future: Creating a user-oriented innovation network in the healthcare sector. Ivey, Reference no. 9B16M195.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2016). Patient Room of the Future: Creating a user-oriented innovation network in the healthcare sector. Teaching Note, Ivey, Reference no. 8B16M195.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2014). Sanus: Open innovation and external corporate venturing at ACE. Reference no. 314-258-1 ( Also in Mandarin Reference no. C314-258-1.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2011). Sanus: Open innovation and external corporate venturing at ACE. TN - Reference no. 314-258-8 ( Also in Mandarin, Reference no. C314-258-8. 


PALACHE, Bram, Crijns, Jeroen and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2009), Solvay’s influenza business: Development of a new technology, ECCH 309-036-1, 16 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and Karolien DESIMPEL (2009); The frozen vegetable industry in West-Flanders, ECCH nr 309-108-1, 26 p.


VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and Karolien, DESIMPEL (2009); The frozen vegetable industry in West-Flanders: Teaching note, ECCH nr 309-108-8, 16 p.

ODUSANYA, Lola, CHESBROUGH, Henry and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2008);  IMEC (A + B): Creating Value through a New Approach to IPR Management, ECCH.

CHESBROUGH, Henry and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2008);  IMEC (A): Creating Value through a New Approach to IPR Management: Teaching Note, ECCH.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim and ENGELEN, Yvonne (unpublished), Open innovation at DSM: Deciding about an external corporate investment in Sanus.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, VAN DINGENEN, Jan and Robert KIRSCHBAUM (Accepted); Dyneema, the superstrong polyethylene fiber: Teaching note, IVEY.

VAN ASTEN, Tim, VAN DINGENEN, Jan and VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (Accepted); Dyneema, the superstrong polyethylene fiber, IVEY.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, LEUVERINK, Inge, VAN HOVEN, Femke and VAN WELY, Marijke (2005); Stamypor, IVEY, 12 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, LEUVERINK, Inge, VAN HOVEN, Femke and VAN WELY, Marijke (2005); Stamypor: Teaching note, IVEY, 14 p.

DE GRAAF, Anouk and Wim VANHAVERBEKE (2001); IT enabled change: The TPI Project at Philips, ECCH, 28 p.

DE GRAAF, Anouk and Wim VANHAVERBEKE (2001); IT enabled change: The TPI Project at Philips: Teaching note, ECCH, 16 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2000); The tufted carpets industry in Belgium (A), nr. 300-094-1, ECCH, 34 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, Philip GERSTKAMP, Cory HAGGART, Verena STERZL and C. TONTCHEV (2000); The tufted carpets industry in Belgium (B), nr. 300-095-1, ECCH, 11 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim, Philip GERSTKAMP, Cory HAGGART, Verena STERZL and C. TONTCHEV (2000); The tufted carpets industry in Belgium: Teaching note (A+B), nr. 300-094-8, ECCH, 21 p.

VANHAVERBEKE, Wim (2000); Competitive advantage of nations: The Belgian Case, Technical note nr. 300-094-6, ECCH, 26 p.

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